Monday 13 July 2015

The modern man’s guide to fragrance etiquette.

Know your limit. Applying fragrance is a bit like drinking beer: a little makes you sexier, more confident. A lot and you appear loud and shouty. A skinful and you’re marked out as the man to avoid.

Unfortunately, knowing when to stop can be tricky because our nasal receptors become rapidly desensitized to new odours, meaning we often can’t detect the very fragrance we’ve applied.

As a rule, people should only be able to smell you when they step inside your own personal “scent circle”, which is about arm’s length from your body. If you’re worried about eau-verdoing it (and bear in mind that women have a better sense of smell than men) stick to what I like to call the two-sprays rule. Two squirts of any fragrance is enough for its presence to be felt without it being overpowering. If you really must herald your arrival before you enter a room don’t do it with Brut -

By Lee kynaston

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